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July 28 2010
A couple tablespoons of bleach and stainless steel water troughs could be your next arsenal in the fight against Johne's disease. That's the conclusion from Kim Cook, a USDA Agricultural Research Service...
July 21 2010
The job of the milker to keep teats clean and dry to prevent infection is a daily battle on every farm; yet the task is simple in thought. Today at the Hoard's Dairyman Farm, a Hispanic milker training...
July 16 2010
For over 40 years, Mark "Bud" Kerschensteiner diligently worked for the company that his great grandfather, Governor William Dempster Hoard, founded in 1870. With his passing, an era comes to a close,...
July 10 2010
One of the foremost authorities on dairy cattle judging passed away Friday, July 9, in Madison, Wis., after a courageous battle against cancer. During his distinguished career, David Dickson judged more...
July 7 2010
Okay, so the title may sound like a bit of a second grade playground dare. But, we do want you to take this as a challenge. Dairy Management, Inc. (check-off organization) along with its social media guide...
July 6 2010
"In the summer of 2009, the Hoard Farm was on the verge of single-digit pregnancy rates," noted Jason Yurs, Hoard's Dairyman farm manager. Prior to the 2009 World Dairy Expo, the farm was sitting at a...
July 6 2010
"In the summer of 2009, the Hoard Farm was on the verge of single-digit pregnancy rates," noted Jason Yurs, Hoard's Dairyman farm manager. Prior to the 2009 World Dairy Expo, the farm was sitting at a...
June 30 2010
Despite the rash of wet weather in the corn belt this year, the overall value of the dried distillers grain has softened during the last two months, due to expectations of yet another bumper crop of corn...
TAMU vet emergency team
June 25 2010
It's not exactly like M*A*S*H, but if you squint there's definitely a similarity. A new team of Texas rangers has been formed that stands ready to serve the state's citizens during times of emergency....
June 24 2010
The Class III price is projected to average $13.95 to $14.35 per hundredweight in 2010, according to USDA's June 18 Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry Outlook Report. The 2010 average through May is $13.57....
June 21 2010
On a 7 to 1 vote, the United States Supreme Court reversed an earlier ruling by U.S. District Judge Charles Breyer that placed a nationwide injunction on planting Roundup Ready Alfalfa and barring USDA...
June 16 2010
Known for their component-rich milk, Jersey cows have long been known as the cheese queens. On June 11, the World Jersey Cattle Bureau hosted the second-ever World Jersey Cheese Awards at the breed's namesake...
June 14 2010
Dairy youth from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas came to Madison, Wis., for the 13th annual Badger Dairy Camp this June 14 to 16. The three-day camp is open to youth ages 12 to 18 years old are able to...
June 8 2010
Greeted by a standing ovation, the newest edition of the Foster Mothers of the Human Race painting was revealed today at the Hoard's Dairyman farm during a 125th Anniversary Celebration. The painting was...
May 26 2010
Three years have passed since a U.S. district judge in San Francisco ruled that a more thorough evaluation of potential environmental impact was needed on Roundup Ready alfalfa. That ruling took the product...
May 25 2010
Since Fisher-Place Mandingo first produced 1 million units of semen in 1994, 42 other Holstein bulls have been able to join him in this elite club. At the turn of the century, merely nine others had reached...
May 14 2010
A growing A.I. trend is literally changing the look of the U.S. dairy industry: Herds are becoming more colorful. Black and white still dominates the landscape, but a gradual shift toward color is clearly...
May 13 2010
Two releases in recent days help shed light on the milk price and feed cost scene in the months ahead. USDA's monthly World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates and USDA's Crop Production were released...
May 11 2010
Judging by the mail you've received lately, you'll know that graduation season is upon us. Yes, mortar boards and tassels are being thrown everywhere this month. We've picked up on that graduation theme...
May 5 2010
Domino's is a friend of ours. Last year, the well-known delivery pizza chain launched and heavily promoted (with some help from the check-off) their American Legends pizza line which came with 30 percent...